When The Wind Blows

Having made some extra free art earlier in the week, I took my foot off the gas, and forgot I needed to prepare something for this coming weekend. Yesterday afternoon, with not much time left to make the work, I took to Facebook and asked for some inspiration. Ideas came in thick and fast – as Storm Doris blew all around us, in our case literally taking the roof off, well a piece of it anyway!!


So it was settled – the theme for this week’s art was to be…wind. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to draw wind – but trust me, it’s not easy. I thought for a while – and here’s what finally emerged from the pencil and the paint brush.


I painted onto rough, handmade recycled cotton rag paper – and I like how the texture of the paper adds to the overall effect. This art will be placed somewhere in my local community over the weekend. Finders keepers.

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

One thought on “When The Wind Blows”

  1. When a wind blows, and tugs at sinews till
    The gristle’s pulled, whittles away at tenuous leaves
    Till sappy stems unbind and spill
    And nothing seems sufficent to appease,
    Then let the maelstrom shout until it’s hoarse,
    And dervishes of wind take all in thrall.
    And in the rising chaos speak to your remorse;
    Name one by one each fears that would appall.
    And so to every quick cavorting of the wind
    You make reply. Replying, tap the stillnesses within.

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