On our recent visit to Spain I took this photo. I like the pattern the leaves make, and the way the green contrasts with the blue.
A day or two later, this small sketch appeared in my notebook.
In readiness for next weekend’s ‘We Are All Artists‘ free art workshop and exhibition, I wanted to adapt the design to connect it to the workshop theme, ‘our community’. I’ve painted this version of the design, titled ‘Edge of The River’, inspired by many walks along the Wandle.
After a crazy busy few weeks making art in Berlin and taking part in the Carshalton Artists Open Studios, things are resuming a slightly more ‘normal’ pace. Having exhibited several elemental art pieces during the open studios, I’ve been wanting to return to making again, and I’ve been playing with a new design.
Here is the image, unmounted. It’s painted using watercolours, spray paint, acrylic, and gold leaf. With all the fine weather we’ve been enjoying lately, this feels like a timely new design in the series.
I recently spent a lovely evening in the company of Samia and Paolo Tossio on their excellent Knit and Mix Facebook Live mash up. Samia talks and makes art with a guest while Paulo plays some excellent house music. You can visit Samia’s art page, and watch the recording, it’s a good blend of chaotic tuneful fun.
My plan was to make a free art drop live on the show, integrating some of my favourite artistic themes (the elements, movement, and impermanence), with wool, one of Samia’s favourite materials. Over the course of the two hours we spent together – three pieces of art emerged.
Factory Equipment
Creating Maximum Value
It had originally been my intention for this week’s free art drop to be the art work in the top left of the above photos. I had provisionally titled it ‘Wandering and Wondering’, and overnight – as the images wandered and wondered around my mind, my thinking shifted. Instead I was drawn to the tall striped piece – and this morning i added a koi fish to the painting.
The koi represents good luck and abundance, and as this koi appears as a simple outline, I decided to call the piece ‘The Ghost of Good Fortune’. This will be the next free art drop – keep an aye out for it if you live in the Wallington and Carshalton area.