Believers and Non-Believers

After writing “What’s Missing?” on this blog I received loads of feedback and ideas. We will highlight some of these over the next few weeks. First up is a note from John Coleman, Head of Change Delivery at Co-Operative Financial Services. He said:

I have worked for a company that has seen its business genuinely transform in the last 5 years whilst simultaneously recording engagement scores from seriously disengaged through to “world class”. The key for me is simple – if people believe they can make a difference, however small, they will. If they don’t, they won’t!

What do you think, is John right? Have you any examples of this in action? Have you ever helped someone to make the fundamental shift from “no I can’t” to “yes I can”.

I think John is onto something here. Certainly when I was time trialling I knew even before the start of a race whether or not I could do well. Sure there would be things beyond my control, maybe strong winds or a punctured tyre, but if I had chosen the right training, prepared well, and most importantly, picked the right attitude, then I believed I could do well.

John used this story to illustrate belief:

A mighty storm battered the coastline relentlessly for several days. When it ended, there were a million starfish left stranded, high and dry up the coastline. A young boy wandered across the beach, picking up the starfish and returning them to the sea. A man watched for several minutes before saying to the boy “you haven’t a hope of making any difference to this, there’s a million of them”. The boy looked at him, picked up another one and threw it into the sea before replying “I made a difference to that one didn’t I”.

Looking forward to reading your feedback and ideas, have a good day.

What is Missing?

Having recently posted talks from Barry Schwartz, Dan Pink and Curt Coffman all focussing on the importance of employee engagement, I got stuck into the Towers Perrin Global Workforce Study for some light reading. It’s a great report, crammed full of useful facts and figures and powerful arguments for employee engagement as a basis for sustainable change. In particular, the analysis on how engagement affects financial and individual performance stood out for me.

Financial Proof that Employee Engagement Works

This looks like a rare beast, a win win scenario. The more I examine the evidence, the harder I struggle to understand why these principles aren’t more widely understood, and indeed practiced.

I need your help. In your experience, what is it that stops organisations from embracing the connection between employee engagement and improved financial performance, and doing something meaningful about it? Have you got any examples of this in action?

Wisdom Depends on Experience

OK we’ve gone a bit vid crazy the last week or so, just happens there are some excellent ones coming to our attention. Check this one out from TED Talks:

Barry Schwartz makes a passionate call for “practical wisdom” as an antidote to a society gone mad with bureaucracy. He argues powerfully that rules often fail us, incentives often backfire, and practical, everyday wisdom will help rebuild our world. This is a compelling watch, a passionate man speaking with humility and conviction. Enjoy.