I’m Gonna Sit Right Down…

…and write myself a letter.

Except we hardly ever do, do we? Email, Twitter, Facebook – all these things mean we can type out and send our thoughts quicker than ever before, and the simple pleasure of sending and receiving a letter is disappearing.

At the ConnectingHR tweetup last week a few people asked to see the Stop Doing Dumb Things cards. We were drawing cards from the deck and Kate picked the one you can see here. Kate told me she writes a letter every day. I love that idea. I enjoy sending letters and among all the bills and ‘special offers’ that the postman delivers, I always appreciate seeing real handwriting on an envelope. Those ones always get opened first.

One of the reasons for this card is simply to act as an aid to slowing down for a few minutes, and taking the time to send someone a personal touch. Another, is a reminder of the simple joy of putting pen or pencil to paper, and in so doing, strengthening a real life connection. What does it do for you?

This post is one of a short series written to share how people are using Stop Doing Dumb Things. If you’d like to buy a set and tell us how you use them – here’s all the information you need.

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

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