Principles of Work – By Hand

In March 2014 I published my Principles of Work, a simple series of things you can expect from me when we work together. This version of Principles of Work was compiled using Haiku Deck, and the simple mixture of brief text and photos struck a chord. To date, the Haiku Deck version of Principles of Work has had over 7,500 views, and is in its second iteration.

As part of developing this idea, Neil Usher recently suggested to me that I could apply a more personal artistic filter to the principles. I love Neil’s suggestion, so I decided to do some tracing and sketching of my own, blending Art for Work’s Sake with the Principles of Work.

Many hours, much sketcher’s cramp, and lots of ink, pencil and marker paper later, I ended up with a series of images I’m happy to publish.

As I developed the images I chose to share them on various social networks and I benefitted from lots of great feedback and suggestions as I went along. The network I am a part of is a lovely, supportive group of people – thanks to each and everyone of you who helped me get this piece of work completed. Although it took a lot of time and concentration, this wasn’t that hard to do, so if you fancy trying something similar with your work, I encourage you to give it a go and I’m happy to help in any way I can.

I’m a big fan of showing your work as it develops, and the next step is to experiment with a video to tell the story behind the images in a little more detail. I’ll keep you posted, and in the meantime, if you’ve got any ideas about what I could do with the original sketches – I’d love to hear from you.

Working out loud, learning all the time.

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

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