Tomorrow we are getting together to discuss this very question. This informal get together which will shamelessly draw on inspiration from the ConnectingHR Unconference to hopefully create a similar buzz is happening at 48 Brushfield Street, on November 16th, between 4pm and 7pm. Admission is free and we have a few places left so if you fancy joining us, please drop me a line and I will save you a place.
One of the things we shan’t be doing is any speed networking (aggghhh!). Something we are encouraging our guests to do is to make their own business cards for the event. Why? Well other than a chance to do something a little different and expose your creative side, no good reason. Just seemed like a good idea at the time. Having kicked off this encouragement I got stuck into giving the home made approach a go, and thankfully Keira (aged 7 and 3/4) was on hand to provide artistic direction and lots of help. So I share the results with you in the hope that if you are coming next week you can now see that it’s more about personal touch than artistic quality.
Looking forward to good conversations – and more creativity!
These are my two faves so far:

By Keira. Pencil and foam letters on white card

By yours truly. Felt pen and acrylic paint on white card
Isn’t it always the way – you have nothing exciting to do in the evening for weeks then 4 invitations for the same date! Shame I can’t make it but look forward to all the blogs after.
Thanks Sarah – sorry you can’t make it. There will be some feedback afterwards and I hope another event in the Spring – watch this space 🙂
Last night I met a few interesting new people. Four times I was asked for my contact details. In each case I offered a printed business card or a home made one. Let’s just say it was a good job I had four home made cards on me! Try it yourself – good fun.
Is Bad Behaviour Killing Big Business Live is nearly upon us. Here is a brief intro to help you put things into context.
The content of the event will be decided by you on the day. We will populate a conversation grid at the start of the session and people will be free to move from conversation to conversation as they wish (the rule of two feet). Periodically we will regroup to hear feedback from the conversations. Afterwards I’ll summarise and share all the output from our time together.
There will be plenty of breaktime and people will have opportunities to create custom home made business cards if they wish. And we will supply postcards so if people would like to, it might be interesting to sketch a postcard and send it to someone you meet on the night.
Tea and coffee will be available on arrival and you are welcome to enjoy some wine or juice through the evening.
Look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday. And a huge thank you to Vandy for her creative input.
Cheers – Doug