11 days
8,000 miles
13 hours of flight delays
40 cups of coffee
1 trip to Tiffany & Co.
6 fried eggs
9 blog posts
2 bags of mint M&Ms
1 walk down the High Line
Countless new friends…
It’s good to be home
Where business and the arts meet, making work better together.
11 days
8,000 miles
13 hours of flight delays
40 cups of coffee
1 trip to Tiffany & Co.
6 fried eggs
9 blog posts
2 bags of mint M&Ms
1 walk down the High Line
Countless new friends…
It’s good to be home
Mint m&ms – revolutionary food in America? I need to emigrate!
We had mint, dark chocolate, peanut butter, and pretzel flavour ones too. All gone now 🙂