Books, Builders and Brainstorming

Day One of the book writing experiment: I’ve had a weird day, builders moving in to start work on a major project probably not the best addition to the mix. Still, first couple of chapters finished. It’s going to get much tougher – I don’t know how I know, but I do.

Following my pleas for inspiration I want to share a great piece of feedback I received from Chris Plush. Chris is a great guy, he’s bright and he makes me laugh too. Here’s what he sent me:

The Plush road to inspiration……….. (pick one or more)
1. Go for a run (yes, I have run around New York at 4.30am)
2. Music. I have playlists for everything.
3. Visualisation. I am a huge fan of this and it has served me well when I feel like chucking it all in. What does success look like and what will it feel like – the mind is a powerful thing and the body will reward positive thinking!!
4. Small steps Mr Shaw. If it’s all getting a bit overwhelming, break it down into small bits – give yourself small, achievable goals; write them down, tick them off (and reward yourself with chocolate!!)
5. Call on others. Anyone who gives a damn about you will take your calls and listen to your rantings and wailings and then put you back together again. You’d do it for them, they’ll do it for you.

Lastly, we are thinking of you and are with you ….. good luck, you’ll get it done and it will be readable (well it had better be anyway). I’ll expect your call at 1am then???

There’s more inspiration and support coming in and I will continue to pass it on as the pressure rises 🙂

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

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