Employee Engagement in one sentence

Thanks to everyone who contributed to our engagement in one sentence experiment. We’ve published your great contributions here so you can easily download them, share them, and hey, why not use them too! We’re very proud of the way this little experiment has turned out so far, hopefully we’ll hear from even more of you and add more fuel to the fire!

Download your free copy here

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

4 thoughts on “Employee Engagement in one sentence”

  1. Really interested in this as we are piloting a story in a sentence as part of mass global engagement right now.

  2. not sure how I missed this first time round (shame on me) but this is great! Will try and use it as inspiration to stay / become more engaged.

    1. Nice one Lee, so glad you like it. This short report has proved a big success, 100s of downloads. Must think of a follow up, thanks for the reminder.

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