“At my door the leaves are falling, A cold wild wind has come”
I like busy. I love busy. Busy is good. And it makes you forget sometimes. The past few weeks have passed in a blur. Busy doing this, too busy to do that.
Getting the flow right takes practice and I readily confess I need more practice. So this morning after completing and submitting a couple of proposals I decided to go out for a walk. And it hit me. Autumn is here, it is stunningly beautiful, it is happening and it will be finished soon. Don’t miss it.
No matter how busy you are, it’s a sad fact* that too many of us will sit in our office from dawn to dusk and miss out on many a beautiful experience. So please, call up a colleague, a customer, whoever, and just go outside together for a little walk. Feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. Have a good conversation and hatch some good ideas. Go on, you know you want to. And the very act of doing so will encourage others to follow suit. You have nothing to lose.
That’s right, nothing to lose. If that little walk and conversation yields nothing, if it is “just a waste of time”, well email me twenty minutes worth of that crap that’s keeping you so busy and I’ll do it for you. If I’m not out of the office that is.
*of course it is not a fact, merely an observation studied over years of watching way too many people who think that sitting at your desk is more important than getting out there and doing stuff.