I’ve just finished watching this talk on TED by Simon Sinek. Huge thanks to Quentin Kopp for pointing this out to me. Unsurprisingly it’s all about leadership, and inspiring people to act. One of the best I’ve seen, but maybe that’s because I believe. Do you?
Photo by Doug Shaw, Artwork c/o Banksy
Thx for sharing this inspiring talk, Doug, I really love Simon his talk. When you like this, you’ll also like the book:
Freedom, Inc.: Free Your Employees and Let Them Lead Your Business to Higher Productivity, Profits, and Growth; from Brian M. Carney, published October 2009. In his book, based on research, he talks about the difference between ‘how’- and ‘why’ -companies and why ‘why’-companies are more successful.
With grace
Thanks Nicolette, very kind of you to stop by and add this useful book reference. I’m starting to see huge value in why companies.
Cheers! Doug