Three Strikes and You're Out!


14.5 miles home to office. 3.5 hours, 2640 calories burned, 4mph average speed, two sore feet. Strike One.

3 miles office to Victoria station. 35 minutes, just ignore the pain. Strike Two.

1 mile train station to home. Uphill all the way, agonisingly slow. Strike Three.

Click here for a 1 minute condensed video version of my Walk to Work

Snoop Walked to work

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

2 thoughts on “Three Strikes and You're Out!”

  1. Didn’t I once see you carrying a metallic contraption aloft, joyful and triumphant like? Looks like you’ve done your worst to negotiate a slippery slope since then haw haw…

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