Inspired by some of the great work being done by David Zinger and friends, I would like to pose you a simple question:
Please describe in one sentence, what it feels like to be engaged, connected, with your organisation?
I’ve already asked a few people, including our CEO, Ian Livingston. He said:
To me, it means REALLY caring about BT, its people and customers.
Are you proud of BT? Do you take personal responsbility? Do you help drive change?
Here’s another, and I love this one:
Scared, on the edge, but ready for the challenge to make this company a success for all of us.
I am asking this question in a number of other places, unsurprisingly one of these is our Linkedin Group “Is Bad Behaviour Killing Big Business?”. I will share the responses with you here, there and everywhere.
Go on, have a go, liberate just one sentence.
when you can get an answer to a question without it being riddled with propoganda
Is Ian Livingstone’s answer really that great? When I think of “engaged and connected” I relate back to personal relationships.
“Connected” in a personal relationship is in my view more than just “really caring” – there is some sense of deep understanding and perhaps emotional intimacy. I can “really care” about the third world, or the planet or my dog, but is that necessarily “connected”? Perhaps it’s only the foundation.
“Connected and engaged” is about one-ness, passion, desire, energy, involvement – obviously these mean different things in a corporate context. Then again, perhaps this is what he meant.
Thanks for getting in touch Nik. Fair point, perhaps I was just so pleasantly surprised to get a reply from someone in senior management that I got over excited 🙂 I appreciate your feedback. Watch this space for more sentences soon.