Autumn Fire

I know, it’s Winter, and I came up with this design a few months ago. I’m pleased to say it has kept me very busy since.

I made the first Autumn Fire for the We Are All Artists free art project, an abstraction of fire using acrylic paint and gold leaf. Here it is along with a picture of it in situ at the Carshalton War Memorial, before it was found.



People responded very positively to this design. I like it, a lot, Yet I was surprised by how many folk contacted me about it, to say how much they like it, and to ask if I would make one for them. I happily obliged, and once word got out that I was making a series of Autumn Fire, the requests kept coming. I was asked to scale up, I painted one for someone locally, one went to Cambridge, and another to New Zealand.

Autumn Fire.jpg

This represents a turning point for me and my art, the first time I designed an art work which resonated so strongly with others. My next post will be about where this art work took me next, a literal twist or two. Until then – here’s a picture of the 2016 New Year’s Eve free art, which I placed at a wedding of some dear friends in St Louis.


Adventures in Spain

These paintings are a few months old now, they were all made over a couple of days on holiday in Spain. I’ve been lazy when it comes to updating the blog – the free art project is currently taking up a lot of my painting time.

I painted four postcards based on the Spanish flag which I mailed to friends.

Spanish Flag Postcards.jpg

I made a sketch called Too Much Pressure, based on a tracing of a blind drawing of a radiator, weird!

Too Much Pressure.jpg

I painted two canvas boards, one of the mountains, one of the sea. The mountainscape has been sold, the seascape was found as part of the free art project.



I made four simple pattern sketches – some of which have since been given away through the free art project.

Pattern Sketches.jpg

The last piece, titled Lost In Spain – was made for the free art project. It has a new home in Wallington.

Lost In Spain.jpg




A few weeks ago I painted a small acrylic abstract on canvas board titled ‘Lost In Spain’. It became a part of the We Are All Artists free art project and the art work now belongs to a lovely lady named Stacie, who did some excellent detective work to figure out where the painting was made. Here’s a photograph of the art work being finished on our return from Spain, before it was handed over.

Lost In Spain
Lost In Spain : Acrylic and gold leaf on canvas board

The following week I hid a piece of art in my local town after being photographed by the local newspaper who kindly ran a feature on the free art project (the piece in the photo was not the piece I hid that day).

Me Hiding Art Among The Flowers
Me Hiding Art Among The Flowers

By coincidence, Stacie’s son found the piece of art I hid among the flowers! Having already received a piece of art as part of the project, Stacie and her son decided to pass this one on, which is a lovely community minded thing to do. Stacie’s son travelled to the USA later that day and he took the art with him. It now resides somewhere near Simsbury Connecticut, and that has to be the longest distance this free art project has travelled so far.