Celebrate A Life

Today is the first anniversary of Dad’s death. I miss him of course, and I’m not grieving today – I’m celebrating.

Thank you Dad for being there to pick Keira up from school and look after her while I work

Thank you Dad for being proud of me, and for telling me so

Thank you Dad for helping me to see it’s more important to tell it straight than to try and be liked

Thank you Dad, for being you

I don’t know about you but I tend to shy away from positive feedback, particularly receipt of it. So perhaps I’m taking the easy way out today by celebrating someone who can’t answer back. Regardless of my own hangups, I’m sure you know someone special you can acknowledge today, someone out there would love to hear from you. Be bold, celebrate a life.

Milestones Matter

I’ve written before about the importance of milestones, they matter because progress matters. In all the post holiday hubbub of getting ready to do some fantastic work with Thomson Reuters and having a new client accept our proposals and of course heading Stateside to take part in Ohio SHRM, I nearly forgot something.

What Goes Around starts its fourth year of trading tomorrow – just writing that brings a tear to my eye. This past year has been full of challenge and opportunity and very soon I will reflect on that and blog some of my thoughts about what has worked – and what we might do better. For now I just want to say a huge thank you to every one who has commissioned, advised, helped, supported, and even ignored us. Every little interaction comes together to make a difference.

If you are celebrating a milestone soon – don’t forget to tell us and others about it. Milestones Matter.

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