After I posted my blog from a train this morning, Tim Kitchin got in touch and said:
Look forward to seeing the flow of the day…some very interesting developments ahead in workforce 2.0. I hope the conference gets into some of the ‘proper’ stuff…
I asked him – what do you mean by ‘proper stuff’? If and when I hear back from Tim I will update this post with his response. In the meantime – here are a handful of early observations I’m sensing about themes, feelings etc.
Co-creation and Involvement Matter
Yay – and…? How? That’s still not clear enough for me. I think there are lots of simple ways to push further on this front, most of them conversational.
Complete Control is a Total Illusion
I’ve bastardised this feeling so that a) I get a Clash reference in and b) it reminds me of my 2013 tour t shirt. And seriously – there is a rising awareness that this social stuff is going on regardless of your policy.
Total Illusion eh?
I’m enjoying following the Twitter feed of Grumpy Lecturer, who has pushed back on the control issue with this:
Is the interest in social media in workplace akin to Bentham’s Panopticon as employers paranoia increases?
I googled Panopticon and I suggest you do the same – I think we need to be mindful not to rebuild work in this scary shape.
This has to mean more than where we sit on an org chart. There are leaders everywhere – acknowledge them regardless of their hierarchical position.

I think how people are rewarded is a vital part of how an organisation functions or dysfunctions. Mot people are not paid to collaborate – indeed many are paid to compete with colleagues instead. For me – this is currently missing from the conversation.
How About You
What do you think is missing – are we yet talking about the ‘Proper Stuff”?