My current (not currant!) client is having a fund raising bake sale tomorrow. At the end of last week I overheard a couple of the HR peeps talking. They were worried they may be short of cakes.
Earlier this weekend I spotted a fantastic batch of baking by Katie, aka @HRHopeful. Katie inspired me to spend this Sunday doing something I haven’t done for years. I’m reliably informed that these taste pretty good. I hope they help my client hit their fund raising target tomorrow.
Even consultants can be nice guys…sometimes.
Update: In case you are interested, there are plenty more hrcupcakes out there. This montage was kindly put together by @MJCarty over at XpertHR. Enjoy.
Update: Monday morning. I’m on the train into London. The phone rings. It’s Carole – is she calling to say thanks for the miniature home made valentine?

Nope. Carole is calling me to tell me the cakes I made are sitting in their box in the hallway, d’oh! A slap to the forehead moment. Fortunately I’m only one stop down the line so I make a snap decision to get off the train – dash back home and grab the cakes. I’m just about to leave for London….again. Wonder what I’ve forgotten this time?
Happy Valentine.