I’m a regular drinker in the Saloon of Excitement and Enlightenment, and today is no exception. For in a few short days, the Carnival of HR will clear passport control and roll in here for its first visit. Thanks to some meticulous planning (yeah right!), we are very fortunate that the carnival – which goes live on November 7th, coincides with some exciting stuff happening around here. It’s very close by to Fireworks Night and right slap bang in the middle of the 2012 CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition. How cool is that? If you’re at the conference I’ll be talking about Building Social HR Leadership in the Social Media Hub on the first two days around 11.15am on Tuesday 6th and 12:15pm on Wednesday 7th. Pop by, say hi and throw stuff at me if you’re free.
I’ve chosen three themes for the Carnival’s visit. They are (drum roll please):
1 – Fireworks In HR
2 – Conference Tales
3 – Other Crap That You Can’t Be Bothered To Categorise
Interpret these headings as you will and make sure and get your post links (just the link please, the original post stays at your place and I hook it in from here) to me at doug dot shaw at wgalimited dot com by Monday 5th November at the latest please. My plan is to draft up the Carnival on the train to Manchester that evening and for sure I’d hate to miss you out.
So what are you waiting for? Hit me with your best shot – let’s blow the lid off this thing!