Cornish Cards

While enjoying our lovely Cornish Adventure this summer, I managed to find time to paint three simple postcards. Here they are:

If you want one of them – let me know and I’ll pop it in the post to you.

Meantime, here’s a little video of snaps from our trip.

Postcards From the Edge 2013

Postcards From The Edge 2013 – Redux and Reverse

It’s nearly holiday time again. Regular readers will know that for the past two years I’ve made an open offer to paint postcards for people while I’m away, and a friend recently asked me if I was going to continue my Postcards From the Edge experiment.

Redux means restored, from the Latin, reducere ‘to bring back’, and so I am going to redux Postcards From the Edge for 2013. In previous years people have requested cards via the blog, twitter etc, and I’ve painted them and posted them. This modus operandi was my choice and I’ve felt a little pressured to deliver at times. So for 2013, I’m going to do it slightly differently.

This time I’m going to paint postcards through the summer and upload a photo of the card on this web site. Once the card is shared online, the first person who asks for the card will have it sent to them. This way I get to continue with the experiment and relax at the same time, safe in the knowledge that I’ll paint as and when I have the time and inclination, rather than because I’ve got a commitment I want and need to honour.

So – if you’d like a one off hand painted postcard, keep your eye on the blog, Twitter, Facebook etc over the Summer and I’ll see what I can do for you. In the meantime, here are a few cards from last year’s series.

Playing With Pastels

Carole recently bought me some pastels, I’ve been enjoying playing with them and mostly making a mess. I think I need to get hold of some kind of fixative. Anyway – here are a few of my early attempts with this new medium.