Tiffany’s Message

Tiffanys Message

I was invited to speak at Morgan Lovell’s Economics of Workplace Wellbeing event last week. It was great fun and I will share some slides and thoughts from the session on here soon. For now I want to focus on one small and important thing. On the day I spoke about my belief that flow beats work life balance. Neither are achievable all the time and I think that a state of flow is preferable as it truly aids presence, your ability to be fully engaged in what you are doing, right here, right now.

One of the key ingredients for flow, is confidence. Confidence that you don’t need to be worrying about what’s happening elsewhere because you and your team have got it covered, to the extent that anyone can have. So why worry?

During the talk, I asked the audience a question, ‘How many of you take your work laptop or crackberry away with you on holiday?’ There was a gentle buzz of mildly embarrassed laughter from the crowd as we learned that 70% of the people in the room do just that. Next, I read out a beautiful example of an ‘out of office’ message I had received just a few days earlier from Tiffany:

I am out of the office on vacation. To ensure my laptop and Blackberry are not damaged by salt water, beach sand, shrimp tails and crab leg shells, they have been left at home. Therefore, I will not be checking email nor will I be answering the phone.

I return to the office Tuesday February 5 and will respond to your inquiry at my earliest opportunity.

Thank you, 


Underneath Tiffany’s name was an email address for her team, so if you really couldn’t wait for her to get back from holiday and help, you had a simple way of making contact.

As I read Tiffany’s message, smiles broke out everywhere. Her note is engaging, funny and clear, and it subtly points the way toward further assistance should it be required. I think the main reasons for the smiles was a realisation that for most of us, Tiffany’s message could be our message if we wanted it to be. Let’s face it, in the overall scheme of things you’re really not that important. Except maybe to that group of people you’ve gone on holiday with, so why not be with them.

photo credit

Leadership – Focus

Good leaders have a habit of making you feel like you are the most important thing in their lives at that moment.

The next time you meet folk and you think they might want to come to respect and appreciate you, please stop playing with your crackberry. You are capable of focussing your attention, right?

Being present creates presence. How will you be remembered for yours?

photo c/o George Rex


Leadership. Are You Really There?

Peacock Butterfly - Inachis io
Peacock Butterfly – Inachis io

I’ve been enjoying some fine weather and sitting in the garden. Usually when I’m in the garden I’m distracted by something. Maybe I’m writing, playing, cooking, or even occasionally, gardening. But this weekend, I’ve spent some time sitting there. Really being there. As a result I began to notice things, see thing a little differently. I made three new friends.

Inachis io, aka Peacock
Celastrina argiolus, aka Holly Blue
Anthocharis cardamines, aka Orange Tip

Two of these butterflies, the Holly Blue and Orange Tip are tiny. I wouldn’t normally spot them, let alone take the time to identify and photograph them. I’m glad I did. My heightened awareness over just a brief period has increased my enjoyment of the garden and what it has to offer. I’m glad I spent time, just being there.

Too often I see people in meetings, in conversation, or listening. But they’re not really there. Their mind is on where they are going next, what they are going to say next. They are not in the moment. And it shows. You know when you’ve spent time with someone who is only there in body, and it’s not very engaging. It’s not good leadership. Two of the useful leadership qualities observed by Jonathan Wilson are:

Leaders learn to listen extraordinarily well with genuine interest and respect.
Leaders engender a sustained sense of enthusiasm and make people feel they are very important.

You can only practice these qualities, by being there. Your presence isn’t enough. Be there. Be aware.

Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus
Holly Blue – Celastrina argiolus
Orange Tip - Anthocharis cardamines
Orange Tip – Anthocharis cardamines