Poppies – Revisited

I’ve had a go at sketching poppies before now, and having enjoyed the challenge, I revisited it earlier this Summer. I shared these sketches on Facebook and my friend Laurie Ruettimann suggested I start an Etsy shop to sell some of my art. I followed Laurie’s advice, one of these poppy sketches has since been sold, the other one I gave to Laurie as a thank you for the Etsy idea.

Poppies Poppies

I subsequently painted a single poppy, this time in purple. This one has sold to a friend in New Zealand.

Purple Poppy

Learning to Paint – Spring Magnolia

Keira and I were walking home from school yesterday and we noticed how blue the sky was, and how many magnolias are in flower just now.

Keira and I were walking home from school yesterday and we noticed how blue the sky was, and how many magnolias are in flower just now. When we got home I had a go at trying to capture the hints of pink and mauve in the magnolia flower, and combine it with the very blue sky. I’ve tried to use a little white space to indicate where the edges of the leaves might be. Importantly I made no attempt to try and capture realism, just a thought of what we’d seen and talked about. There’s something about this picture I quite like – I hope you find something in it to enjoy too.
