Friday Fury – Call Me!

I like it when folks get in touch with me and ask for my help, and I hope I make it easy. We talk, and I listen and if I believe I can do something useful for you I put forward a few ideas. Usually more dialogue ensues and sometimes we end up doing work with each other. Sometimes we don’t, and that’s fine too. We’re all adults, we’ve had a conversation, exchanged ideas and come to a decision about what to do next.

I hate it when folks get in touch with me and ask for my help, then take those ideas and just disappear into the ether. Don’t get me wrong, if I’ve approached you then I expect to do the following up. But when you get in touch, when you instigate the conversation, it would be really bad manners if you didn’t follow up right? And don’t give me that ‘I was too busy’ crap. At work we all represent somethng. Our brand, ourselves, our colleagues. And when you behave like this, that representation ain’t pretty.

You started it, you finish it.

photo c/o Joelk75

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

5 thoughts on “Friday Fury – Call Me!”

  1. I share this fury Doug! Some people give more and some people take more. It’d be nice if we’d all give and take in more equal measure! Can I do anything for you? 😉

  2. I like to take a different view. For every person that is a little bit rubbish they make me look a little bit better to other people. Which makes me stand out a little bit more. It also helps me to decide who to engage with because I ask around about a person and take the feedback I get from others I trust before I would get involved professionally.

    Keep your own standards high and you will stand out. And what goes around does honestly come back around again.

      1. Points taken Julia and Mark – and I still think it sucks when someone has kicked off the discussion then just disappears. Grrr.

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