
The subject of connections has been on my mind a lot lately. I’ve blogged about it a lot, and yakked about it a fair bit too. Without People – You’re Nothing.

And I’m not just a writer and a speaker, I’m a doer too. I love to help people connect and collaborate better, and I often find that opportunities to do this kind of work are even better when I’m partnering with someone.

For several months, Meg Peppin and I have been talking, listening, sharing and exploring opportunities to collaborate more closely. We think our work experiences are similar and different enough to add value and excitement to what we do for us and our clients. Perhaps even more importantly, we feel the values that we share make for a great place to work together from.

If you don’t already know Meg – here is a link to her ‘Halls are Made for Madness’ blog, and you can check her out on Twitter here.

It’s one thing to think and talk about it, quite another to make it happen. We’ve not been in any rush, patiently impatient, and a new client has asked for some help to facilitate conversations around collaboration and workplace culture. We have happily agreed to help and so it is that we (Meg, myself and the client) are really pleased and excited to have some interesting work to do together.

Currently it’s not our intention to work together all the time however we will share more news soon about where we think we can help people create the best opportunities to make work better.

Real Work + Proceed Until Apprehended = Collaboration

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

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