@BillBoorman wrote a great short post yesterday about bullshit in your LinkedIn profile over at the Recruiting Unblog. The picture below shows the top ten bullshit words and phrases used in the USA as identified by LinkedIn Analytics. Click the pic and you will be transported to @BillBoorman’s excellent blog where you can also find out the most over used word on LinkedIn UK.

Out of curiosity I copied and pasted my LinkedIn profile into Word and searched for these bullshit phrases. Phew – I didn’t find any (although the word results did appear twice). Just as I was congratulating myself, “Good old Smug Diddly Ug Doug – no bullshit here..” it struck me. I may not have any of these overused phrases, but I do have a whole pile of other crap on here. It’s true folks – my LinkedIn profile reads more like a car crash in a lexicographers than a summary. The place is just packed. And it’s not exactly current. I mean, the last sniff of detail goes back to the time of the dinosaurs, or in other words, when I was still employed by BT.
I needed a few useful tasks to do round Christmas time and I’ve just found the first one. Thanks to @BillBoorman for kicking off my festive to do list.
Hiya Doug,
Did you see the post I sent out on Twitter today? I’ve had some thoughts on this which may be useful for you? http://bit.ly/gd7eTH
Good luck writing!
great post thanks Sukh I’ll use your ideas to improve my stuff – thanks very much
Oh dear ……… just “Wordled” my CV and I find “extensive experience” (but hey, I’m old!!). Like you Doug, I did find another stack of bullshit bingo that needs addressing so looks like another “time killer challenge” to address. Good thing I’m reliable under pressure, self-motivated, a “blue sky” thinker and delivery focussed then isn’t it?
He he – it was of course your good self who got me into wordle many moons ago Chris. Good luck with the time killer and thanks as always for passing by and bringing a smile 🙂