Finish Line

At the end of last month I read a post over at Laurie Ruettimann’s Cynical Girl blog that started ‘If you are a blogger, you should blog on a daily basis. I believe that blogging is a full-time job. Target, McDonalds and Walmart barely shut their doors. Neither should you.’ I’m not going to start saying what I think is right, wrong, up or down about blogging, the last time I tried that I got my ass kicked and couldn’t sit down for a week. You draw your own conclusions about what blogging is or isn’t.

Anyhoo, the words Laurie wrote got me thinking, how hard/easy/smart/dumb would it be to try and get a new blog post out every weekday in July? I decided to go for it and feeling chicken, I kept the challenge to myself. After all, most of what I write comes pretty much from the here and now and I’ve always struggled to have a lot of drafts and reserves to call upon, so the chances of me making it are pretty slim right?

Yeah it was close at times and I made it to this finish line. I found some time on weekends to sit and pen a few thoughts which helped along the way, and I learned the importance of scribbling down good ideas. Over the course of July I’ve had four lightbulb moments which I think would have made great blog posts, but because I didn’t write them down I forgot ’em all, dang it!

Thanks for sticking with me this past month, August won’t be quite the same as there are holidays coming.

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Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

3 thoughts on “Finish Line”

  1. I enjoyed reading the one where you got your ass kicked again!! I missed a couple of them, but did enjoy this month’s flow.
    Blogging’s the new diary. Tomorrow it’ll be the old diary, and the diary will be the new diary. Vinyl is the new cool, and old are the new young. Everything is everything.

  2. I once tried to set a goal to blog daily. Then the excuses pushed it to every other day, then once a week, then I took about three months off. And when I came back I found I wanted to write daily. Not because of any goal or so I could become the McDonald’s of blogging, but because the more I wrote for the love of writing and sharing ideas, the more inspired I became to write. Tim Ferriss, on the other had, recently wrote something to the effect that he thinks it’s detrimental to post just to post and now only posts when it’s something really great (clearly, that’s not my approach).

    All this is a long way of saying that I really enjoyed all your posts this past month, but you’ve got to find the groove that works for you. Enjoy your holidays!

  3. Thanks to both of you for taking the time to read and contribute. I’m definitely still looking for a groove alright. I’ve enjoyed the challenge this past month and I need to tweak my approach if I decide to sustain things 🙂

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