Thank You

As many of you know, tomorrow I’m helping to make the Stop Doing Dumb Things unconference happen. Recent weeks, and particularly recent days have blurred as we (Peter Massey, Jonathan Wilson and I) have encouraged people to come along and made our preparations for the event. Last night we sent a note to all our guests saying thank you, we appreciate your booking. It is humbling and exciting that we’ve managed to gather such a diverse, interesting crowd.

Hundreds of people we know have helped encourage our guests to come along. To everyone who has read and retweeted stuff about the event, thank you. Every little nudge, reminder, and retweet helps, we appreciate it.

To the fine group of #connectinghr people I met with last week to share and develop unconference ideas, thank you. I’m conscious that was a stressful day for me, and my behaviour fell well short of what I expect of myself. In the heat of a passionate conversation I lost my temper and shouted at a friend. Sorry Mervyn. I re-learned a very valuable lesson, be mindful of others. Thank you folks for putting  up with me.

Carole and Keira have supported and encouraged me throughout the planning for tomorrow. Steadfastly. We’ve had a lot of laughs and a few tears along the way. Such inspiration, thank you.

I’m off to load up the Stop Doing Dumb Things wagon and begin carting supplies to the venue, I’ll see you later. Tomorrow is going to rock. Thank you.





Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

8 thoughts on “Thank You”

  1. Best of luck with tomorrow Doug! I’m sure it’s going to go fantastically well. Whilst I wasn’t able to make this one, I’ll be keen as mustard to come along for a potential second event 🙂

    1. Adam, thanks for your good wishes I think tomorrow will be a lot of useful fun. And I’ll let you into a little secret. June 27th 2012, that’s when we’re doing this again. See you there!

      Cheers – Doug

  2. Doug

    Big *manhug* to you!! Lovely post and I am sending as many good vibes your way as I can muster for tomorrow! It will ROCK!..of that I have no doubt.

    Thank you for what you said…and just to let you know that ‘putting up’ with you is never a problem. Your passion, enthusiasm and positivity are an inspiration to us all…and I would much rather surround myself with friends who care as much as you.

    I believe that what we have within ConnectingHR has moved from community towards family…and is in any family we may from time to time have our differences and niggles but ultimately we are still family :o)

    Now go and inspire more people stop doing dumb things to customers!


    1. You do Jay, and I hear Florida’s a nice place too. Let’s just make sure we don’t cross in the skies eh 😉

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