Running on Empty

I’ve been awake for 42 hours and my head is buzzing as I type this quick note. Despite United Airline’s best efforts I made it to the Ohio State HR Conference in time to hear the opening speech and give my two talks. I am really tired so no time for much blogging today – I just wanted to share with you how very welcoming everyone has been. And for sure my bed tonight will be a lot more comfy than the last one I tried and failed to sleep (or should that be levitate?) on.

Airport Bed



Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

One thought on “Running on Empty”

  1. “Despite United Airline’s best efforts…” Ha! Yeah, sometimes mistakes happen, people slip through the cracks, and the airline accidentally takes you to where you were supposed to go. If they really screw up, your luggage arrives at the same time/airport you do.

    Really wish I could have seen your presentations. Are you coming back to the States any time soon?

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