These Things I Believe

These Things I Believe

Fear sucks

Artistry is underrated

Productive beats busy

Vulnerability is courage

Connection gives us meaning

Conversations are the bond

Flow beats work-life balance

I love the fact that in your busy day, you still find the time to pop by here and check in. Really, I appreciate it. I love to write and because I love it – I work hard, so it takes it out of me. For the next couple of weeks I’m gonna slack off a while. I’m not saying complete radio silence, but for sure I’m gonna turn it down a bit.

In the meantime I’ll leave you with the opening slide for my upcoming talk in Chicago, which is about connections. This image is both inspired by, and for my family. It’s an adaptation of my Twitter bio and it’s a brief adaptation of a fantastic piece by my friend Joe Gerstandt. I am simultaneously very excited and nervous about giving this talk. In my head I have the courage to go all out and deliver a session that will involve people, invite them to think differently, and leave a mark for a long time. And the thing is….man, fear sucks – and I will overcome.

Keep it honest.

Love – Doug

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

5 thoughts on “These Things I Believe”

  1. Love this Doug. Pure Poetry in Motion.

    On fear.

    I did something new recently. Something in front of an audience that SCARED the life out of me. In the last few seconds of stepping up to do that thing, SCARED ran all through my body. As those moments ticked on for what felt longer than eternity, a voice popped in and said, SCARED can be SACRED too … the C just jumped a little forward 😉 I laughed and felt a choice. I chose sacredness. The sacredness of having a life. The sacredness of having an opportunity to do something which might make a darn crazy difference and you know what, it turned out that it did 🙂 So thank you Doug for all your beautiful, honest and life-affirming posts. You WILL rock (as ever), you just don’t ever know it, ’til you do 🙂

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