
In case you didn’t know, the CIPD has teamed up with the MIX (Management Information Exchange) to hack HR – and they’d like your help. Now – before you grab your hatchet and excitedly chop the legs off the nearest HR Director, it’s not that kind of hack. I know that will disappoint some of you – but that’s how they sorted their work related problems in medieval times, not in 2013. This is more of a clarion call for clever and creative ideas to tricky problems.

Right now – the discussion is centred on ‘How can we make organisations more adaptable?’ Why not pop along to the Hackathon, register and take part? It’s easy to join and once you’re in you can read a growing number of interesting contributions in response to the adaptability question.

In case you are interested, here is my brief response to the question about defining adaptability:

‘Adaptability springs from having the courage to admit you are wrong. From there – all things are possible.’ And you can quote me on that.

What does adaptability mean to you? And how would you hack HR? Join in – have your say.

photo credit

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

3 thoughts on “Adaptability”

  1. Hi Doug

    Thanks for alerting your readers to the #cipdhamelhack – it’s an exciting collaboration for us and it’s been great working with the US based MiX team setting it up – a few transatlantic conference calls later and we’ve got it up and runnng! (Well it wasn’t quite that simple 😉 but the MiX team are very experienced at running these events so a big thanks to them for all their help.)

    If you want to find out more about how to get involved you can also watch the videos from @CIPD CEO Peter Cheese (who’s now on twitter! @cheese_peter) and Prof Gary Hamel.

    Thanks and ‘happy hacking’

    CIPD, Digital team

  2. Doug, love your definition, have had a quick look at the site and it worries me a little that there are weeks dedicated to defining adaptability when Prof Hamel incorporating a lot of work from others has already done such a thorough job. Anyway, have signed up and will hope to add something of value rather than just lurk and smirk. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Well observed Khurshed, it will be interesting to watch and participate in this project, I’m pleased you’ve signed up to take look, Having looked at your contributionthus far I have no doubt we’ll talk more about it as things develop. If I may – I’d like to refer to your observation about ‘Fearless’ in today’s post. Cheers – Doug

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