Creative Leadership – Pick and Mix

Joe Gerstandt shared this creativity list earlier this week via the Creativity Matters Facebook page, and in turn I’d like to pass it on to you.

33 Ways to Stay Creative

When it comes to pathways to creativity and collaboration, they are many and varied. I think this simple acknowledgement is something many businesses overlook when they implore their staff to collaborate more, and be more creative.

Perhaps like me, you are not sold on all 33 items in this list, and that’s fine, but there are a lot of useful suggestions on here, and I’m sure some will work for you. So try some, and maybe try a different flavour to your favourites too? Something you wouldn’t normally choose. Go on – no one’s looking and you can always spit it out if you really don’t like it. Pick and mix.

photo credit

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

4 thoughts on “Creative Leadership – Pick and Mix”

  1. What an interesting list.

    9 – do far too much anyway. Probably need to cut down!
    4,6,11 …. oh yes … make Spotify radio your friend (Catherine Feeny is the current favourite – no, it’s not loud!)
    25 – like lots

    A couple of others (and I live in the middle of nowhere so sorry for you city dwellers if they don’t / can’t apply):-

    1. Get outside (fresh air is good for you)
    2. ….. and just let yourself listen (so much is happening without human interference – just take a look)
    3. Look up at clear night skies (and feel privileged to be a very very small part of something quite extraordinary)
    4. Visualise – learned this through running stupid distances – let’s your mind wander and great things can be achieved

    They are all about perspective I guess. Personally, I feel much more creative when I’ve got the big picture(s) in perspective.

    The train for home leaves Paddington in an hour – can’t wait!



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