I opened Twitter on Friday and my friend Zoe Mounsey had posted up a Stop Doing Dumb Things Card. This one:
Here is the poem Zoe wrote to accompany the card.
Thinking, thinking, overthinking
What if? what next?
Fear of the unexpected
Thinking through the worse case
Hoping for the best case
It doesn’t help
But it keeps me busy
Worrying and worrying
Great stuff! I love the poem and I’m left wanting to know what happened next…?
I thought I would reply, and here’s what I sent back to Zoe.
The idea is a spark
The conversation oxygen
Action is the flame
Light a fire in your life
There was a positive reaction to both pieces of verse on Twitter, and I thought I’d share them with you here today. If you fancy adding a poetic contribution in the comments – it would be lovely to hear from you.