Take Me Out To The Ball Game

I’m just back from my first baseball game. I and a few thousand others spent the afternoon at Yankee Stadium, where the home team lost 4-5 to the visiting Oakland Athletics. The game lasted several hours and kept my attention for most of that time. When I used to go and watch football you could pretty much guarantee that when I went for a wizz, the home team would score, and today was no exception. Nick Swisher (what a fabulous name for a baseball player) scored the only home run for The Yankees when I was…otherwise engaged. Despite seeing the home team lose I had a good time, and a few things stood out for me.

The National Anthem

Although it took place, the National Anthem was a pre-recorded version. Some people sung along and It didn’t work for me compared to the live ones I’ve seen previously at Madison Square Garden, and the Ohio SHRM conference to name but two. No goosebumps this time, note to The Yankees, live is better.

The Crowd

The crowd at Yankee stadium is really mixed. Kids, men, women, younger people, older people and a wide cross section racially too. Football crowds in the UK are overwhelmingly white and male, at least they were when I was a reasonably regular attendee a few years ago. A more diverse crowd made for a much friendlier atmosphere then you’d typically experience at a football game in the UK.

The Beer

Beer is served at your seat. So are hot dogs, peanuts, candy floss and popcorn. Was I so inclined I needn’t have left my seat for the whole game, except to miss the home run of course. You’re not allowed within sight of the pitch with a beer in hand in the UK.

The Tickets

Ticket prices start off pretty cheaply. I could have paid less than $30, though I chose to pay $110 as a one off visit, and I could have paid much more. The Yankees are probably the biggest team in Major League Baseball and could charge more, but by offering a low starting price they attract a broader audience to the game. I think Manchester United standard tickets cost around $90.

The Conclusion

A good crowd, a good game, good beer, and even the pizza slice I had was passable. It strikes me that we could learn a lot from over here about how to put on a good regular sporting fixture over there.

New York Yankees v Oakland Athletics


Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

4 thoughts on “Take Me Out To The Ball Game”

    1. Thanks Rob. Good point, I hadn’t considered rugby. Option of cheap seats – yep that stacks up, you can go to see Harlequins and pay as little as Ā£25 ($41). Beer at your seat – yep that stacks up too. I’ve no idea what the make up of the crowd is like, maybe I should check out a game and see for myself. Cheers – Doug

  1. Here in Aus you can go to an AFL, rugby league, football or rugby union game for around $25. Beer (and other booze) and food are available any time and the seating is unsegregated.

    Mind, I still miss going to away games in the UK. Nothing beats that feeling of grabbing a last-minute away win and then trying to get home without getting your face smashed in šŸ˜‰

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