Career Opportunities

Children Playing
Children Playing

I never cease to be amazed and delighted at the variety of work I get offered, and I’ve landed another fantastic gig. I’ve been invited to facilitate a bring your daughters and sons to work day for a financial services company.This is going to be pure excitement mixed with a dash of chaos,

All week the kids have been sending me cool facts about themselves. Favourite colour, favourite activities (annoying boys is in the lead at the moment!), and best things about school (Maths and Thinking Actively in a Social Context are both sounding good).

We’re going to play investment games. We’ll be visiting a market, making business cards, telling stories about what the mums and dads do and how it all fits together. There will be art stuff going on and the kids are going to have their own board meeting so they can tell us what good work should look like.

The kids are aged between 8 and 14 and I’d like to have plenty of things for them to do to keep the boredom at bay.

Can you help with this please?

What ideas and suggestions can you make that we could throw into the mix? Here’s your chance to pretend to be a kid again – grab that chance and chuck as much fun at me as you like. I need your ideas today please – what are you waiting for?

Photo c/o lrargerich

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

7 thoughts on “Career Opportunities”

  1. Arts & Crafts always win for me! The chance to make made creations out of paper and glue always brings out the kid in me. Perhaps they could create a collage of what they have learnt during the day, or on a topic around finance……Sorry it’s not more succinct…I am now trying to think how I can incorporate Arts & Crafts into my day today 😉
    Great project though!!

  2. This will be a great fun day Doug 🙂
    You know those name plaques people usually have on their desks? Get the kids to create a new one, A5 size!
    It should include the parents name and picture (drawn), their title and a short description of what their parent does, in their own words 🙂

    It’s a good way to show the parents what their kids have learnt about their roles and a little memento for the parents to keep at their desk.

    Enjoy 🙂

  3. A financial services company… Why not make your own banknotes including “I promise to pay the bearer”? Photocopy them say 10 times and then start a trading game… Without knowing it you’ve then got moving down the road to FX trading!

    1. Ooo – printing our own money eh? Good one we are going to look at trading so that’s a top idea thanks 🙂

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