Positively Psyched

Happy Monday y’all. Seeing as how today is not many folks fave day of the week I thought I’d kick things off on some positive notes to help get you in your stride.


I recently had a great customer experience courtesy of MeetMeMe. I found out about these unusual business cards after seeing a post on Facebook by Dawn Hrdlica Burke about them. I went to order a pack and they are US shipment only. I dropped them a nice note to say how cool I thought their product was and they kindly agreed to ship me some. Sweeeeeeet!

We’re going one step further and offering five sets of cards as give aways over at our Facebook page. All you have to do is head over there, give us a like and then get ready to be quick off the mark around 2pm on Thursday 19th July to nab yourself a pack of your own MeetMeMe trading cards.

Sukh Pabial

Sukh is on an adventure. A step on that adventurous journey is his Positive Psychology in Application event in London on Friday August 17th. You can find out more about the event here and I’m pleased to let you know that we have two tickets to give away. All you have to do is add a comment to this post asking for a ticket and if you are the first or second person to do so – bingo! I’ll then put you in touch with Sukh and you can take it from there.

John Junson

John is the network cartoonist and designer over at David Zinger’s Employee Engagement Network. He created the design and colours for the network. He created our unique symbol/brand. He designed all the free e-books. He has been involved in this work before it went online over four years ago. His birthday is July 21 and we want to see if we can have the community at 5000 members for his birthday.

Please help. If you have not joined, join today. I’ve been a member for a few years and enjoyed lots of useful learning and sharing, and membership is free.

To join the network, click here.

So there you have it – three positives to kick off your week. Happy Monday!

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

12 thoughts on “Positively Psyched”

    1. Or do I win a special award for not reading a blog post properly and mis-reading two tickets as three! In my defence, It is Border Collie play with tennis ball time and he keeps rolling the tennis ball across my keyboard! Ooops!

      1. Ian, I’ll cut you a deal. You can bag a third ticket so long as you write a blog post about what you think it’ll help you learn about 😉

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