The Longest Time

This time tomorrow I’ll be airborne and on my way to Ohio for some useful fun. I’m very excited and a little nervous too, you gotta love the adrenaline rush right 🙂

Carole and I took the time to go for coffee earlier today and we were talking about the fact that we’ve not yet spent more than a couple of nights apart in just over twenty years of marriage. All that is about to change – after tomorrow morning the next time I’ll see Carole and Keira will be Saturday 29th September when they meet me at Heathrow Airport.

The girls are planning all kinds of fun stuff for while I’m away, meals with friends, play dates, you name it – it’s going on. And we’ve had our Skype practice run too – them downstairs, me upstairs – there’s something quite surreal about video conferencing with people you currently share the same house with – lots of fun.

The Ohio State HR conference promises to be a great experience and once I’ve given my talk (conveniently planned in for the first afternoon – thank you to a wonderful team of organisers and schedulers!) I’m sure the first few days of my trip will pass in a blur, before I head towards New York City on Saturday 22nd September.

I’ll then be in The Big Apple until I leave Friday 28th. I’ve some good fun things planned, like the Thomson Reuters unconference on the 26th and I will visit the High Line and take a look at that too. Maybe I’ll take a trip out to a baseball game – both the New York Yankees and the Mets are in action. I won’t have a clue what’s going on – but it could be a fun way to spend an afternoon.

My default position is a social one and I currently have quite a lot of time to myself. So – if you’re based in New York City and you read this, please get in touch – it would be fun to meet up if you can spare the time. And if you’re not in New York City but you’ve got some good tips on stuff to see and do, I’d appreciate that too.

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

6 thoughts on “The Longest Time”

  1. Have a great trip. I am lucky enough to have been to Manhattan a few times and love it; I like the Earth Room for a special sort of wierdness, Grand Central Station any time to do anything, Monday Night Magic (shhh, it’s a secret), diners, and in particular Eisenbergs diner for what feels like a real NYC breakfast. Greenwich village is great for off Broadway theatre, comedy clubs and bars. You’ll have plenty of friends; it’s a friendly place and they seem to like a little bit of the English accent.

  2. There’s all kinds of music going on, if you’re a music buff. City Winery on Varick Street is an intimate venue with reasonably priced tickets and a constantly revolving schedule of good artists. The Jets and Giants are both playing football. The Metropolitan Museum is always a good way to spend a couple of hours, it’s the best of the city’s museums but there is also an American Indian Museum for something different. And the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens are beautiful.

    1. Cheers Mark – I’m biased, and I agree with you completely 🙂 It was not posed, Keira and Carole were some distance away and I just snapped it.

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