Who’s Stopping You?

That ‘darn crazy difference’ you know you can make might just be what the world needs right now. Ask yourself this … who’s stopping you?

I’m grateful to Natasha Stallard for posting the opening line of this post on Facebook yesterday, and for generously talking with me about it too.

That small thing you can do today to make a big difference, whatever it is that you’d love to make happen, who’s stopping you?

You are that darn crazy difference

You are that opportunity

You are that phone call

You are that hug

You are that

You are


Be bold. Do it today.

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

8 thoughts on “Who’s Stopping You?”

  1. Yesterday, I saw a tweet.

    I sent a reply.

    The person responded.

    “Let me see what I can do” she said, although she didn’t have to.

    She came back a short while later.

    “Here,” she said. “These are the people you need to speak to. I’ve spoken to the second one so he is expecting your call.”

    I thanked her. Probably too many times and then rang the numbers.

    By the end of the day, with just a little bit of boldness, I landed the chance of the biggest break in my new career so far.

    Am I glad that I took that chance, reached out and asked for help?


    Great post Doug. Here’s to all your readers having similar stories to tell over the coming weeks.

  2. Gorgeous post. Possibilities (one of my favourite words) springs to mind! Touched by the mention Doug. Love your possibilities Neil!

    Rock on’


  3. Me too! See you on the path, let’s keep an eye and ear out for each other, see how we’re doing (which reminds me of a post you wrote earlier in the year around support, community ……..)

    Love, peace and salad cream

    X Tash

    1. By all means Meg take a look if you wish – I love it. I think I find time for deeper, stronger connections on there when compared to other, useful social networks. And that’s not to say it doesn’t have its problems too 🙂

      Love – Doug

      PS – this post is about a zillion times better when read with the accompanying music playing loud!

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