Baton Rouge or Bust!

I had a fantastic time in Louisiana earlier this year. It’s a friendly supportive place and the encouragement I got from people at the Louisiana SHRM conference helped me step out of my comfort zone and have a lot of fun. I knew, even as I boarded the bus from Baton Rouge to spend a couple of days in New Orleans, that I wanted to return.

At the end of July, I spotted a note on Facebook from Neil Morrison which read, ‘2014 I want to do a US HR tour…’. I put two and two together and thought, I should ask Neil if he wants to pitch for the Louisiana 2014 gig with me. Ask I did, and he kindly agreed, and Louisiana accepted our offer. Should you happen to be in the Baton Rouge area April 7th and 8th 2014, we look forward to seeing you.

Here’s a very short extract of how things went last time. If you like bloopers – it’s worth paying attention around 22 seconds in 😉

Have a great weekend

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

3 thoughts on “Baton Rouge or Bust!”

  1. Hey Doug

    (congratulations on your 2014 gig)

    When we turn up to interviews we don’t arrive on the dot or 2 minutes past (not if we can help it). Most of us like to be prepared when we want to give a good first impression of ourselves. (even if to make sure we’re not sweating profusely and look like I’ve run all the way from school, shirt hanging out …)

    It shouldn’t be any different just because we’ve got the job.

    As a techie, it’s common knowledge that it takes 15 or 20 minutes to settle down and get “into the zone” for coding. I’m sure all jobs have something similar. It’s the same playing sport – I can’t turn up to a hockey game, walk right on the pitch and instantly click with my team-mates …

    Good preparation has a huge impact on the end result.

    Cheers Doug!

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