
father and son central park new york city 2008

Dear Dad

I am vulnerable.

I am coping and collapsing almost simultaneously.

I feel the most cherished memory and the burden of loss as one.

I am vulnerable.

I am proud to be your son. I love you and I miss you.

Paul Shaw – born 23rd October 1936, died peacefully and unexpectedly in his sleep, 22nd January 2012

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

15 thoughts on “Vulnerable”

  1. Sending you and your family lots of love and strength at this hard time. So sorry to hear of your loss. Thinking of you Doug x

  2. Really sorry to hear this. Feel a bit useless as there’s nothing I can offer beyond sincere condolences. Suddenly and peacefully is the way we’d all like to go, but so much harder for those left behind. Sending a virtual hug in the hopes it makes some small difference x

  3. Hi Doug,

    As I said on twitter, I’ve gone through similar very recently with the sudden and unexpected death of my daughter. What you say about collapsing and coping simultaneously resonates with me.

    This experience also taught me that close friends and family are best placed to offer support and the exact right words, but the kind comments of random people on the internet does bring an unexpected level of comfort. I just want to add my voice as one of the random internet people saying I feel for you and wish you all the best – hoping that you stay strong on the collapsing moments and also strong during the coping moments.

    One last thing – this is a poem I had read out last week for the funeral. The words mean a lot to me, and you never know, may do for you too:

    Best of luck

  4. Take care Doug. I lost both my parents when I was 20 and 30 and will just pass on something that someone said to me at the time “This, too, will pass”

    My heart goes out to you and yours


  5. Doug,
    so sorry for your loss. People, parents come and they must go. I hope your time together with your father was valuable and has given you meaning to go forward. Strength to you and your family. Our thoughts are with you.
    Andrew Maher and Family

  6. Hello folks. Carole, Keira and I have been moved by the kindness and support everyone is showing us, I’m sure my two sisters Moira and Helen are too. It’s very much appreciated, you are helping more than you realise.

    The level of support here, and on Facebook and Twitter has knocked us for six. I feel so fortunate to be connected with so many caring people.

  7. Doug – my thoughts are with you at such a sad time. Even with your suffering you have managed to say so much in such a few words. You have such a skill .. and such a heart. Your Dad must have been so proud to have you as a son – as Carole must be to be your wife and Keira must be to be your daughter.

  8. Doug, I have only discovered your beautiful words about your dad from reading your Ohio post today. I’ll bet he was proud indeed. Just as I know how proud you are of Keira. I have shed a few healthy tears reading this. Ali x

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