The Bicycle v The Taxi

Last I heard we’re supposed to be watching the pennies very carefully. Quite right too. When I work in London I cycle to and from the office. It’s only 15 miles each way. It keeps me fit, and it’s a very low cost form of travel.

Don’t panic, I’m not advocating that we all cycle to work.

A few days ago I arrived for work on my bicycle. Keep fit, low cost. Later that morning I had to step out of the building for some fresh air and a coffee. As I left I watched one of our directors hail a taxi right outside our head office and hop in.

Hmmm. OK, maybe he was going on a personal errand in work hours and just happened to be dressed in a suit and carrying business papers. Maybe he’s not going to claim that taxi fare on expenses.

Whatever, I couldn’t help but marvel at the insensitivity. We’re trying to slash cost to the bone, redeploying people, removing contractors, focussing only on the essential. Quite right too. And yet visible leadership behaviour in this case equals jumping into one of the most expensive modes of transport on a per mile basis, right outside the door of head office. Next time I suggest at least walk a block away from the front door and get in where no one can see you. That way lies a tiny bit of keep fit, even if the low cost bit still proves elusive.

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

3 thoughts on “The Bicycle v The Taxi”

  1. At least they didn’t get into a private limo as is the case with so many in Washington DC, and NYCity.

  2. One rule for him one rule for everyone else
    it might have been an important meeting and he was running late or perhaps he is just a creature of habit who knows? and who really cares, I dont however it is a debate for the future, if the ceo said all expenses for travel entertaining etc have been slashed then he is a hypocrite and should lead from the front and use his legs or public transport or maybe even cycle!

  3. Dave, I agree, who really cares? Shocking leadership. Perhaps we should challenge this person to a cycle race round our head office? If he wins, I’ll pay his taxi fares for a month. If I win, who knows, maybe I’ll get him a cycle helmet and a travelcard?

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