Counter Terrorism and Survival

Made it – just!

Good morning! I’m at the CIPD HRD conference and exhibition today and tomorrow. I accidentally tried to muscle my way into the counter terrorism expo round the corner but needless to say, my credentials were found wanting! Still, at least they didn’t shoot me.

What’s going on?

This morning I’ll be facilitating a conversation on smart use of social in the Tech for Learning Zone. If you are free at 10.15 feel free to come along and heckle. Shortly after that I’m helping Gareth Jones with the Twitterversity session and I’m also helping with the Tweet up at the end of today. And through the day I’m hoping to share some of the early survey results on career development that we’ve discovered through our work with Careergro. If you fancy being interviewed about this tweet me and we’ll meet up. The day is packed, phew!

Survival tips

I hope you have a stretching engaging day planned too? It could be tiring and I’m feeling in good shape. I had a chat with the very insightful Ed Percival yesterday and he gave me some common sense reminders about how to enjoy a long, busy day like today. I’d like to share them with you:

  • Get plenty of sleep. Not now, last night of course! There’ll be loads to see and you’ll see it better if you’re well rested. I logged off super early last night and slept like a log.
  • No alcohol. I was at the L&D Unconference yesterday and there was a free bar afterwards. I avoided it. No hangover for me today.
  • Drink plenty of water. I managed 2 litres yesterday and I’ve had a litre already today. OK so I’ll be hopping to the little boy’s room but keeping yourself hydrated is important if you want to make the most of an event like this.
  • Nuts! I’ve had a bowl of nutty muesli for breakfast and I’ve a bag od buts, fruit and seeds in my bag. Maybe if I’d have shown the other expo my secret squirrel stash they’d have let me in?

So there you have it. What I’m up to today, and how I plan to survive and thrive, in a nutshell 😉




Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

One thought on “Counter Terrorism and Survival”

  1. I think there’d be less terrorism in the world if your common sense was followed by more prospective terrorists. A lot of them might not be feeling quite so angry if they woke up fresh from a good nights sleep and had a diet that left them nicely hydrated and full of healthy omega 3 oils!

    Hope you have a good conference.

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