It’s a long way to the top…

…if you wanna rock and roll. I thought it was AC/DC who penned those words so I Googled it and yep, it was. I’m not a big fan of theirs but it popped into my head when considering my next experiment and for now it’s stuck there.

I’ve been running What Goes Around for just over 18 months now and in that time I’ve made some very useful blunders, and by learning from them, I think I’m getting a few things right too. One thing is for sure, I wish I knew then what I know now. And until I invent time travel a wish it shall remain. What I could do though is share some of these experiences and mistakes, and other information in the hope that other small and growing businesses may not trip into the same potholes that we did. So here’s the plan – such as it is.

  1. Write up some of the best goof ups and publish them. Some here and some over at the house of XpertHR.
  2. Develop a business summary to be shared every month. To include stuff like headline income, expenditure, enquiry numbers, what seems to be working and what ain’t. Maybe also include blog figures and what subjects are attracting attention, and a couple of other social tool numbers as well.

I asked about this on Twitter a little while ago and received enthusiastic responses (including one from a pot plant!). So in the spirit of growing the market I’m going to give it a try. And as this experiment continues and I share more information who knows – maybe others will chip in with their own ideas about what and how and why.

More news to follow very soon. In this planning stage I would simply like to ask you, what would be helpful for you to see and learn about, what would you like to see included?

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

13 thoughts on “It’s a long way to the top…”

  1. Hi Doug this sounds very interesting. I’m just starting out being self-employed so pretty much anything you share will help me 🙂 Hope I can share something back too!

    1. Hi Martin – I’m looking forward to kicking this off and I’m sure you will be able to share back, the reciprocity will be an important part of the experiement.

      Cheers – Doug

  2. Love the idea Doug but if there was an AC/DC reference surely it should have been “What Do You Do for Money Honey”?!?!

    You asked what do readers want to see/learn/read… I’ve found that talking through dilemmas has helped develop my practice the most – real learning stuff! Perhaps your “blunders” could be more along the lines of “what would you do next?”? Just an idea!

    1. Love the much improved AC/DC ref – will use that as part of the next phase cheers!

      I think your point about what next is interesting. I often frame what I do in a rather “beat myself up” way – I’ll have a think about how to make this whole thing as interesting and engaging as I can, perhaps virtual beatings is not the way to go 🙂

  3. There are some mistakes I make repeatedly. These have been causing me frustration recently as I have become aware of them. I decided today to write them down, when I did I recalled having read this post last week and wondering whether I could add anything. I will almost certainly keep making them but intend to spot and correct them more quickly from now on.

    At some point the gap between making them and correcting them might get small enough so that it appears that I never made them and only I will know!

    1. Admiring your self awareness and honesty Anthony. I have spotted this repeatedness in myself also and I hope to featrure it in the coming “confessions”!

      Mind the gap 🙂

  4. Love the idea Doug – especially as I am following about a year behind you. Starting out is interesting and mostly great fun. It does help to know that others have made similar blunders, particular where we can learn from them before we do it ourselves!

    As ever I admire your openness and your honesty 🙂

    1. Hi Noel – it’s a pleasure to know you, thanks for your support and I wish you well on your journey. It is indeed fun.

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