Strategic Planning – A Song for Flora

I spotted the very wonderful @FloraMarriott on Twitter t’other day. She wrote ‘My brain is aching, I got strategy on my mind’ and Flora wondered if she had inadvertently stumbled upon the title of a song. Turns out she had. Who’da thunk it.

My brain is aching
I got strategy on my mind
My brain is aching
I got strategy on my mind
You’re showing me facts and figures
Feels like I’m going blind

I can’t see into the future
Could all be a waste of time
I can’t see into the future
Could all be a waste of time
You got me looking ten years down the road
Maybe only livin’ eight or nine

My brain is aching
I got strategy on my mind
My brain is aching
I got strategy on my mind
You’re showing me facts and figures
Feels like I’m going blind

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

3 thoughts on “Strategic Planning – A Song for Flora”

  1. Well, I’d better leave a comment…..after that! Thanks Doug. It was a really superb surprise to log on after work yesterday and see that one of my many rather random tweets had led to a song. I’ve recently started a new job as you know, and in these first couple of weeks my head is full (in a nice way) of information as a result of listening to people and also ideas. I’m in the middle of the divergent thinking phase, which of course always feels a bit messy. But you’ve got to do it, haven’t you, in order not to jump too quickly to answers.
    One of my favourite books is the unsnappily titled ‘the Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making’, and they call this stage of thinking The Groan Zone.
    Actually, the book needs a rebrand from some clever marketing type, because its actually one of the most practical and genuinely useful toolbox kind of books for managers that I know of. It’s full of great stuff for improving meetings.

    1. Good morning Flora 🙂

      I love that divergence you write about. Opening doors, asking, listening, creating possibilities. It should not be rushed. Too often people cajole encourage and sometimes force this process. Convince those who need convincing that you need to take as long as you can, it is worth it.

      I’ll check the book out – and you are right, at the very least it needs a new title!

      Thanks for inspiring the song, and keep diverging a while yet.

      Cheers – Doug

  2. Should ‘Strategy’ be reduced to ‘G’ to help with the rock’n’roll feel :-)))) lolo

    Can you slide ‘quantitative easing’ into a middle eight!??? ho ho

    great stuff Doug

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