In Response to Flow

A group of us were discussing constraint as a driver for creativity at Art for Work’s Sake last week. An offer was made for people to write a haiku based on flow (one of the words suggested earlier in the evening for the desired mood of the session), and Alex Hyslop came up with this lovely poem:

Streams can gurgle slow
Rivers can thunder faster
Lakes just sit and wait

Next we drew and painted some responses to the haiku, and the evening moved on. After the session had finished, a few of us were clearing up at the end and someone handed me this sketch:

In Response to Flow

I really like this picture, I think it is a mix of paint, pen, pencil and charcoal and it’s a great partner with the haiku. A lot of my work is about bringing different people together to see what we might learn from each other and I really like how two people who hadn’t met prior to the workshop came up with these two lovely pieces of work. I put a photo of the sketch on Facebook and found out the the artist is Robert Ordever. So – here it is – the first ever piece of guest artwork on the artsensorium. Thank you Robert for agreeing to let me share this here.

Author: Doug Shaw

Artist and Consultant. Embracing uncertainty, sketching myself into existence. Helping people do things differently, through an artistic lens.

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