I attended BASE in London recently, a very interesting conference with a few innovative twists. One of these twists was a series of round table discussions which delegates were encouraged to book up and run. Red rag to a bull for me, I couldn’t resist it, so I hosted a round table discussion on the behaviour required to make sustainability stick. A few kind, bright and interesting people showed up and we had a good conversation. Amongst other things we discussed productivity, engagement, value, and the emotional stakeholding we might wish to have within business. We (more or less) agreed that women collaborate better than men, and we ummed and ahhed about the end of the age of man…age…ment.
Rather than try to box off this piece of work, I’m experimenting. You can download the collective stream of consciousness and fill in the blanks yourself here. Notes from BASE Conversation We enjoyed the conversation so much we’re meeting again in a few weeks, I’ll keep you posted. Meantime your thoughts and ideas on how to fill those gaps always welcome.
PS. BASELondon is coming on May 27th – watch this space.