Comics Unmasked – Superhero Friends

I visited the Comics Unmasked – Art and Anarchy in the UK exhibition at the British Library yesterday. It’s an interesting and dark catalogue of comics through the decades. Forget The Beano and Whizzer and Chips, this is more Knockabout, Crisis and 2000AD. The photo above is a snapshot of part of the banner advertising the exhibition outside the library. If you are in London, interested in comics and have some spare time before August 19th, it’s worth a look.

I was accompanied by three superhero friends, and on the train journey into London, I drew a calling card for each of them. I made a quick pencil sketch then went over that with an italic nib and used Letraset Promarkers to colour in the cards. It’s great having superhero friends, do you recognise any of them?

Visualising Your Work

This morning I gave a talk and facilitated a short workshop on the Art of Leadership for the 2014 Learning Skills Group. I will publish more information on the session soon, but I’m flat out right now and just have time to share some work we cocreated today.

Here is some visual thinking around what the future looks like for learning and development. These images were cocreated by groups of people many of whom had not previously met. They were on a tight time constraint and were encouraged to go for it – and to show their work. I’m really impressed with what the teams came up with in such a short space of time.

If you prefer – you can view the images on Flickr too.

The Art of Recognition

A perfect thank you

It is the end of another enjoyable, packed, fascinating week of work. In the middle of this week’s canvas was a trip to Tate Modern to enjoy the Matisse cutouts with a small group of friends.

I returned home on Friday to find a bright purple envelope waiting for me. I opened it, and inside was this beautiful hand made card:

Thank YouWhat a lovely surprise! This gift hits all the right recognition buttons for me:

  • It was unexpected.
  • It is personal.
  • It is relevant – I love the simple genius of making a cut out card after visiting an exhibition of cut outs.
  • It is timely – we visited the exhibition on Wednesday afternoon – the card is with me on Friday.

Thanks Hilary – what a pleasure. I’m really grateful.