I think I got out of the wrong side of my social media bed today – #grumpy
If you’ve been anywhere near LinkedIn in recent weeks you’ll have noticed that pretty much everybody is now ‘taking advantage’ of their new(ish) publishing feature. When once you might have visited LinkedIn to look for a job, or get in touch with someone, now…LinkedIn is all over the place.
So – in a half arsed attempt to put myself in a better mood and get this off my chest, here are my two reasons why LinkedIn’s publish feature sucks.
1 – It’s relentless, the online equivalent of being repeatedly hit over the head with a sock full of marbles #grumpystreetfight. The torrent – and that is how LinkedIn feels to me currently, a torrent, it’s overwhelming. I’m not waving, I’m drowning.
2 – It makes LinkedIn feel like a badly laid out supermarket. I hate it when I go shopping and those damn marketing types have moved the apples, or switched the beer and the nappies around. I can’t find anything anymore #grumpyshopper. Currently – the same goes for LinkedIn, it’s all over the place, confused. Has someone given the marketing department the keys to the restricted meds cupboard again?
Fear not – it’s not all doom and gloom. My friend Gautam Ghosh sent me this link on how to mute the endless stream of notifications. Warning – this helpful hint has been posted on the LinkedIn publish platform!
Looking on the bright side – after a start like this, today can only get better, right?