Mama Weer All Krazee Now

The office is closed today. London awaits, and an evening with Rush beckons. I know many people who have never heard of Rush and many people who have, and wish they hadn’t. They are different. They’re not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s great – difference makes the world go round. By way of something else a little different, a little crazy, I just thought I’d share with you a few of the search terms that have led people to the blog this week.

‘Zombie HR’ – a personal fave 🙂

‘What a Load of Rubbish’ – Thanks for your feedback. Or does this relate to Rush, who knows…?

‘What is love?’ – the eternal question

‘Why losing is good for you’ – I wish I knew!

‘Rocket from a bottle’ – Hmmmm, Xtc?

‘Is fun a corporate value?’ – No, no it bloody isn’t!

‘Tell your own story’ – Absolutely.

Not a bad little list eh? Proof, if it were needed, that we’re heading in a good direction. Have a great bank holiday weekend folks.

Search Me!

Man there’s some weirdos out there. And after a wander through the search terms that people use to reach my blog, it seems some of them aren’t so very far away. You’re not one of them, are you? Of course not, you’re way too smart. And because I know you’re curious too, here’s a list of some of the oddest search terms I’ve seen around here the past few days:

1. HR Halloween ‘unhuman’ resources – it’s getting close to that time of year again folks

2. Zombie HR – see number 1

3. Stop doing things in the post room – yes seriously, please stop. I mean sending letters and stuff is so last century

4. Doug and Voldemort – we’re best buds

5. Homer Simpson’s certificate of excellence – we’re biiiig on employee recognition

6. Razzle magazine big potatoes no teeth – OK you got me – I have no idea

7. Modern gyms suck – nuff said

8. Cyclists tongue out – I’m good with this one, we should all stick our tongues out more

9. Running mummies – I’m unsure if this is about mums getting some exercise and/or halloween – maybe it’s both?

10. We’re outta here – this seems like a good place to stop

How about you – had any weirdos drop by lately?

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