Creativity – Ebb and Flow

Creativity – identify the tensions and dichotomies in your work and find a way to play with them.

Following yesterday’s post about no agenda, David D’Souza and Ian Sutherland both got in touch to suggest that my thinking was less about having no agenda, perhaps more about cocreating one. I agree.

My thinking on cocreation and agendas was further provoked by Julian Stodd writing about the enemies of innovation in organisations, and in particular his observations about dichotomies, for example the tension between trust and rules. These tensions brought to mind the knobs and dials on a mixing desk, and with this in mind, last night I invented a new toy. Ladies and gentlemen (drum roll) I give you the patented, ‘Creativity Ebb n Flow Meter’ – V1.0.

Creativity Ebb n Flow Meter

As you can see, the device is a series of complex tensions, adjusted through a series of knobs and sliders. On the far left is the all important panic button and a limited choice of beverages is available on the right. All this magic is contained in an old cereal box, which is a bit crunked because I sat on it by accident.

I’m now looking for investors to help me develop a version 2.0 of this product, so if you know any angels, and if you’ve any thoughts about modifications I should make to improve things, please let me know.


Creative Leadership – No Agenda


Together beats apart. Flow beats worklife balance. Productive beats busy. Work is an art form. Connection gives us meaning, conversations are the bond.

Those words you’ve just read, they’re my Twitter bio, and much more besides.

Credo: A statement of the beliefs and aims which guide someone’s actions

In the past few days I’ve been superbly fortunate to be working right across my credo. I’ve been involved in a couple of fantastic workshops, an excellent Facilitation Jam and a series of conversations – all of which have added huge value to our work. There have been many differences in this series of events, and some common threads too. Something that all my recent work has had in common is that is has no agenda. I’ve had a rough idea what each piece of work is about, plus a good sense of start, finish and break times, and from a structure perspective, that’s about it. What requirements and opportunities are created when working with no agenda? Here are a few things I’ve observed.


Everything starts with trust. Trust that we are looking out for one another, trust in what little process there is, and trust that something interesting and useful will emerge. Uncertainty is often created when working in this emergent way, so how do we establish that sense of trust with no agenda?


This isn’t a rose tinted blog post, so let’s recognise and find a way to work with, the inherent uncertainty that comes with open frameworks. Some of this recent work has relied very heavily on contracting – agreeing how we are going to work and what we need for ourselves and each other. At times, this contracting process has been quite protracted, and that’s because we took the approach that working out how we are going to be and what we need are the essence of work. Sorting this out takes as long as it takes, which is fine, until you constrain that vital conversation with an agenda.


A strong common thread in my current work is humour. I’ve laughed a lot in recent days. A few weeks ago when working with Neil Morrison in Louisiana, he suggested that for our work together (we co presented at the state HR conference) to succeed, it needed some humour. Judging by the reaction we got – Neil was right. When I ask people ‘How do you want to be in our work today?’, they often request fun as part of the atmospheric mix. I can’t recall anyone ever asking for dull and miserable. I am serious about my work, and I’m sure you are too. And I think we can be serious with our intent and allow humour in as a part of that. Not always, sure – but then I’m not saying that working with no agenda is always the right thing to do, far from it.


Good work is very often iterative and it emerges through a series of steps, one forward two back, two forward one back. Earlier this week I benefitted hugely from a phone call with someone who listened as I sketched out the flow of a talk and workshop I’m running next week. This flow has a few anchor points and a lot of space in between those points. As a direct result of describing my loose sketch over the phone, it became clear that something wasn’t quite right. I’ve since made a couple of tweaks and I now have an interesting mix of sequence and looseness to play with, derived from a check in call, a call with no agenda.

Freedom of Movement

When you work with no agenda, it becomes easier to work without some other mechanisms too. Loosening the corporate shackles a little can be hugely beneficial. No agenda = no slideware, or at least a heavy reduction in them. A result of this is that we are no longer tied to staring at the wall feigning interest while Bert does his bit before I do mine. Some of our current work has been done outside, and at times, people have come and gone according to their needs and wants, the often slavish obligation to stay until the bitter end has been alleviated.

Collaboration and CoCreation

The past few days have been highly collaborative, highly cocreative. There is a real sense of doing work with each other, not to each other. Expertise and experience in these environments feels self selecting rather than preordained. There is a sense of improvising, of taking an idea and building on it through an often random series of exchanges.


There is no right or wrong way to work, there are right and wrong ways. Working with no agenda all the time is as wrong as working with one all the time, yet in my experience we default to the latter. The world of work exhorts creativity, collaboration, community and even, *shudder*…engagement. But how often do we generously invite people in, and generously give them the much needed permission to cocreate, converse and at times of course, get it wrong? From experience, I think the answer is – not often enough. So why not try a few meetings with no agenda beyond the start and finish time. Maybe start by exploring what’s important right now and just see where that takes you.


Thanks to Julian Stodd, everyone I met through him last week and the crew at Seasalt Learning. Thanks to team Facilitation Jam – you rock. Thanks to Beth and Jas, and to Stephanie, Joe and Heather. Thanks to Carole. I think that’s everyone? Oh sorry, I’ve missed you out, haven’t I? Thank you too.

Cut Out Creativity – Henri Matisse

Excellence doesn’t need to be complicated. Tate Modern are hosting an exhibition of Matisse’s cut outs this year. Would you like to see it with me?

Almost two and a half years ago, I ran a guest blog series on here called Heroes. In all there were a dozen contributions to the series, many of them still get searched for and read, and this one about Mrs Van Gogh is my personal favourite.

The most read post in the series is one about the inspirational artist, Henri Matisse, and it is to him I return today.

Cut Out Creativity

As he aged Matisse became ill and could no longer paint. You could forgive him for calling it a day and sitting back to admire his vast catalogue of work in his twilight years. And you wouldn’t need to.

Confined to his bed, Matisse continued to create great art using cut outs. Some of his most famous and stunning work was created in this final phase of his life.

Matisse snail

The cut out works are often very large. The Snail, shown here, is almost three metres square. It’s part of the Tate collection and I think it’s simply beautiful. This tiny image doesn’t begin to do the picture justice. What it shows me is that excellence doesn’t need to be complicated.


I love Matisse’s work. And what I love most of all is his adaptability. I imagine him thinking, ‘Can’t get out of bed to paint anymore? No problem, let’s make cutouts. I can design and cut them and my team can arrange the pieces just so’. Matisse’s drive to adapt in the face of adversity is inspiring, what a creative leader.

What heroics could you and your team achieve with a little of Matisse’s adaptability?

This One’s For You

Tate Modern is running a major exhibition of Matisse’s work this year, starting in April and running through to September. I’m excited about this and intend to visit it often, and here’s where you come in. My membership at Tate is a plus three, so if you would like, we can visit this exhibition together – with you as my guests. Would you like to join me? If you would – please just add a comment to this post, and we will work on the dates later.