We don’t seem to get many super sunny scorchio summer days in the UK, so when we do I think it’s time to break out the shorts. I’ve never been a fan of dress codes (this earlier post on the subject drew a lot of comment when first published) and I think it’s daft that so many men boil, toil and sweat their way through a hot day in the city. Women readily take the opportunity to dress in a way that helps them stay cool, why don’t we? When I wear shorts it seems to coincide with plenty folk giving me sideways glances and having a laugh at me – and I’m fine with that After all, I’m not the one sitting their sweating buckets, which trust me ain’t such a great look in itself kids.
Something else that seems to cause a fuss is my old faithful Gucci manbag, I splashed out and bought this little beauty many years ago. I’m a little embarrassed to tell you that I paid £385 for it (ouch), even though I’ve like, used it loads and if I’d bought a cheaper one it would have worn out and I’d have to buy another and that would be like, more expensive in the long run. 8 years old, that works out around £48 a year, and falling Whatever, it’s a bag, I put my stuff in it and I like it.
Maybe it’s the heat that makes me go a bit doolally and favour slightly less usual attire, but surely I can’t be the only one….can I?