A Parliament Of Owls

This week I hosted the latest We Are All Artists free art workshop. The event was held at The Wallington Arms and materials were kindly supplied by Arts Network Sutton.

One of the things on offer that evening was for our guests to make an owl drawing or painting, and contribute it to the free art project. Nine of our guests kindly obliged, so I now have a parliament of beautiful owls, waiting to be hidden in the local area.

You may have spotted there are in fact ten artworks here. I made one of them which has already been given away, I’ll do a remake for the art drop. Keep an eye out for these beautiful owls over the coming days.

Owl Sketch

A few people contacted me after the Art of Correspondence post. The towers and the owl postcards I sent home to Carole and Keira went down well. I offered an owl to someone who got in touch and yesterday, I finally got round to sketching it. 


I tried out a new brush for this sketch, it’s called a large detailer and I used it to draw the owl. The brush has a fine point and long bristles, yet once I started to play with it, I realised it is much easier to control than it first appeared.

Large Detailer